Build a relationship with a School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability student to increase their employability and add value to your business.

Offering an industry placement or scholarship can lead to continued collaboration between your business and our teaching and learning experts and, of course, help prepare students for the workforce.

Host a placement student

Invaluable on-the-job experience and industry insights allow students to hone their skills, build career relationships and prepare for working life.

In turn, you can add value to your organisation by engaging enthusiastic and knowledgeable students who bring to the workplace fresh perspectives and ideas and an extra resource for project work or research tasks.

For more information, email the Faculty of Science placements team at

Support the leaders of tomorrow

Supporting students in programs that align with industry needs and vision helps ensure not just a transformative education for the students, but also that Australian businesses have the talent they need to succeed and thrive.

Scholarships encourage high-achieving students, including those from rural and remote areas who might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend university. They clear the way for those who face financial challenges to focus on their studies instead of on work and paying the bills.

Your support of these students forges a relationship with them and demonstrates to them that you’re forward-thinking and that you care. In today’s competitive marketplace, student leaders choose their employers on the basis of things like that, every bit as much as on salary and annual leave.

Scholarships come in many shapes and sizes, can be for domestic and/or international students, and may be tailored to support experiential learning through industry placements or research projects.

Email the UQ Science scholarships team at to discuss how you can make a difference through scholarships and prizes.